
Friday, July 1, 2011

Positive beginning - Jai Amarnath

American Airlines was excellent this time. Jet Airways was so-so. Had wonderful time with Priya and family. We visited Hanuman, Rajarajeswari and Shiridi Sai Temples those 3 days. Also, went to the beach. Received by Nirmala in Tirupati as usual. Happy to see each other again. Visited my two sisters and really great rapport. Made a few phone calls and sent mail to some - those that communicated with me.
Today, the yatra begins. We are leaving by train from Chennai to Delhi. Meeting Bhuvana and her brother on the train. Very excited about Bhuvana's company. We reach Jammu on July 5th morning. From then, may not check mail till the 15th. Our helicopter tour is on the 7th.

I will write the details after my return. Unlike last trip, this time, it sounds very positive. Nirmala was slightly sick, but she is doing good today. The heatwave was the reason.

Will talk to you all later.

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